Stroke Recovery Program

The Division of Neurology, in partnership with the Heart and Stroke Foundation of British Columbia and the B.C. Stroke Strategy, is working to establish a regional stroke program, centred out of the Victoria General Hospital.  In addition, the Campbell River Regional Hospital has developed an outpatient stroke clinic that works with patients to prevent strokes and manage risk factors.

The goal of the program is to offer all residents of the Vancouver Island Health Authority with stroke symptoms the opportunity to receive the same level of care

How it Works

Emergency physicians may connect with neurologists in Victoria using a TeleStroke system. This means the local physician, patient and neurologist are linked via video technology, allowing the neurologist to review CT scan brain images, the clinical examination and patient history. For some cases, acute medical therapies are administered to allow for reperfusion of the brain, which can potentially be life-saving and can limit the size of a stroke.

The TeleStroke system is in the developmental stages, with plans to be fully operational in 2010.
More complex cases may be treated at community hospitals and then transferred to the Victoria General Hospital, or they may be referred to Royal Jubilee Hospital for surgery on the major arteries to the brain.
All hospital sites within VIHA have a designated nursing unit for stroke survivors.  These units have teams who are familiar with the care required by stroke survivors.

Use the F.A.S.T. method below to help recognize and respond to stroke:
F = FACE Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?
A = ARM Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward?
S = SPEECH Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Does the speech sound slurred or strange?
T = TIME If you observe any of these signs, it's time to call 9-1-1.

Address / Contact Info

Stroke Recovery Program Vancouver Island Health Authority Campbell River Outpatient Stroke Clinic Campbell River Hospital
375 - 2nd Avenue Campbell River, BCV9W 3V1
Contact name:

Phone Numbers

Phone: (250) 286-7172

Web Links

Location Map

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This program was last updated on: 17 Apr 2018.