Little Fry Group Care and Toddler Centre Program
Little Fry Daycare is a licensed daycare for Toddlers 18 to 36 months and Group Care for children 30 months to school age. Daycare hours of operation are Monday to Friday from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM.
The daycare environment is created to encourage children's learning about themselves and their world through:
- Play
- Exploration and discovery
- Circle times, stories, arts and crafts
- Socialization with peers, Elders and teachers
- Culture is the foundation of the program where young children learn the Kwakwala language on a daily basis and participate in weekly drumming and singing classes.
We are a Seeds of Empathy site and use Moe the Mouse speech and language enhancement program regularly.
Children have opportunities to explore and discover through science activities, nature walks, beach trips and outings on a regular basis.
Health and nutrition are key factors in children's overall development and at Little Fry Daycare, children have access to dental screening and varnishing, hearing clinics and referrals to support services. Nutritious snacks and lunches are provided daily following Health Canada's Food Guide and processed foods, foods high in trans-fats and sodium are avoided.
Prior to your child entering the program, please ensure you provide us with a photo copy of his or her immunization records, care card number and status number.
We operate Monday to Thursday 10:00am - 1:00pm.
For more information please call:
Maylene Inrig - (250) 286-3466
Address / Contact Info
Phone Numbers
Hours of Operation
Regular hours: Office Hours: Monday to Thursday 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM.
Web Links
Location Map
Other Programs from This Organization
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ASCD is designed to specifically meet the needs of children with special needs. |
Provides counselling, assessment, and referrals to persons with alcohol and/or drug addictions. |
A safe environment where individuals can be provided with information to develop the mind and explore their thoughts and feelings, combined with a cultural component. |
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Provides support, assistance, and advocacy services to people of Aboriginal ancestry and their families. |
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Laichwiltach Family Life Society's mission is to empower and promote healing, in our communities from a First Nations perspective for all people of native ancestry in unity. Serving all families of Native Ancestry – men, women, youth, elders (Métis, Status and Non-Status Native Peoples and their families). |
Occupational therapists work with children to target problem areas through playful interactions, grading the activities so that the child can succeed. Treatment is geared toward increase in social participation, self-regulation and motor skilled acquisition. |
The Elders Program is open designed to help reduce feelings of isolation; it is open to status, non-status and Métis people. |
This program responds to the needs of adult women and their dependent children who have experienced, or are at risk of violence. |
We offer a safe, supportive, and non-judgmental environment for aboriginal youth age 11 to 24. |
This program was last updated on: 18 Nov 2021.