Job Seeker Assistance Program
NIEFS is the major employment agency for Northern Vancouver Island and your one-stop WorkBC Employment Service Centre. As a leader in workforce development we provide services to over 5000 job seekers and 500 companies annually. We have been actively connecting employers with workers since 1986.more info
North Island Employment Foundations Society - (NIEFS)
NIEFS is the major employment agency for Northern Vancouver Island and your one-stop WorkBC Employment Service Centre. As a leader in workforce development we provide services to over 5000 job seekers and 500 companies annually. We have been actively connecting employers with workers since 1986.more info
Opportunities Career Services Society
OCSS's goals are to increase our clients potential for success and achievement of their career/work goals through individual employment coaching and group workshops, to assist and support employers in talent recruitment and retention and to provide short term, temporary employee assistance.more info