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Seniors - Seniors - Cultural / Recreation / Social / Religious

Campbell River Seniors Centre Society

The Campbell River Seniors Centre provides a location where seniors can gather at a time and place of their choosing in order to meet their social, recreational, nutritional, and informational needs. more info

Address / Contact Info
Campbell River Common Mall, 1414 Ironwood Road
, Campbell River, BC, V9W 5T5
Phone: (250) 914-4401
Web Links Website Email

City of Campbell River Recreation and Culture 50+ Active Living Programs - Community Centre location

* Vibrant * Healthy * Engaged * Recreation for all ages, stages and abilities * 50+ Active Living: integrate healthy activities into daily life. The department has accessible facilities for 50+ programs at the Community Centre, the Sportsplex and seasonally at Centennial Pool. Membership provides access to approximately 200 different activities per year that promote a lifestyle that values healthy living for the whole person - physically, mentally and socially. more info

Address / Contact Info
City of Campbell River, Community Centre Location
401 11th Ave
, Campbell River, BC, V9W 4G2
Phone: (250) 286-1161
Fax: (250) 830-0164

City of Campbell River Recreation and Culture 50+ Active Living Programs - Sportsplex location

* Vibrant * Healthy * Engaged * Recreation for all ages, stages and abilities * 50+ Active Living: integrate healthy activities into daily life. The department has accessible facilities for 50+ programs at the Community Centre, the Sportsplex and seasonally at Centennial Pool. Membership provides access to approximately 200 different activities per year that promote a lifestyle that values healthy living for the whole person - physically, mentally and socially.more info

Address / Contact Info
City of Campbell River
1800 South Alder - Sportsplex
, Campbell River, BC, V9W 2C1
Phone: (250) 923-7911
Fax: (250) 923-7921