Seniors - Geographic Areas Served: Campbell River
Campbell River Better at Home
Campbell River Better at Home is a program that helps seniors/elders continue living in their own homes longer and stay connected in the community by providing some basic non-medical home support services. The program is funded by the Government of British Columbia and administered across the province by the United Way of the Lower Mainland. In Campbell River, the program is provided by Senior Support North Vancouver Island. Residents in Campbell River who are 65 years of age and older, and who meet the program's eligibility requirements, are able to access Better at Home services within the program's resource constraints. Becoming a Campbell River Better at Home client involves an initial intake interview with Better at Home program staff to discuss the program, confirm eligibility and complete registration forms. Please be aware that there are waitlists for all services. In order to be added to a waitlist, Better at Home must receive a completed Client Referral form for the senior who is requesting services.more info
Campbell River Seniors Centre Society
The Campbell River Seniors Centre provides a location where seniors can gather at a time and place of their choosing in order to meet their social, recreational, nutritional, and informational needs. more info
Family Caregivers Society of British Columbia
A non-profit organization who assists family caregivers build skills, reduce stress and enhance quality of life. We believe in the power of social networks and that no one needs to care alone. more info