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Health - Health Promotion / Prevention

Health Nurse Program (Campbell River Young Parents' Program)

A designated Public Health Nurse is connected with the Campbell River Young Parents' Program and makes individual appointments for immunizations and health information as needed. An Infant Development Consultant visits the centre each month to connect with parents and offer support and information. more info

Address / Contact Info
Campbell River Young Parents’ Program (CRYPP), Cari’s Infant and Toddler Centre
771 - 4th Ave
, Campbell River, BC, V9W 7R1
Phone: (250) 286-1193
Fax: (250) 286-1135
Web Links Website Email

Healthy Living Schools

Our team of Prevention Educational Leaders works with school districts to help children (and their families) understand that what they eat, their level of activity, whether they smoke, and if they protect themselves from the sun all have an impact on their health and well being.more info

Address / Contact Info
BC Cancer Agency Prevention Programs
Phone: (604) 877-6227
Phone: 1-800-663-3333 ext 676227
Fax: (604) 877-6212
Web Links Website

Hi5Living / Graduation Transitions

Helps teens and young adults sort through the sometimes confusing messages that they may receive about cancer from the media or their peers.more info

Address / Contact Info
BC Cancer Agency Prevention Programs
Phone: (604) 877-6227
Phone: 1-800-663-3333 ext 676227
Fax: (604) 877-6212
Web Links Website

Run to Quit

Run to Quit pairs the quitting expertise of the Canadian Cancer Society with Running Room’s learn to walk or run 5km clinics. The program greatly increases a person’s chances of quitting smoking while encouraging increased physical activity.more info

Address / Contact Info
Canadian Cancer Society, BC & Yukon, Cancer Control & Health Promotion
565 W 10th Ave
, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4J4
Phone: 1-800-419-2906 ext. 264
Web Links Website Email

Sun Safe Daycares/Pre-Schools

The Sun Safety initiative recognizes those preschool and daycare facilities in BC that have instituted measures to help protect children from harmful exposure to the sun.more info

Address / Contact Info
BC Cancer Agency Prevention Programs
Phone: (604) 877-6227
Phone: 1-800-663-3333 ext 676227
Fax: (604) 877-6212
Web Links Website


TOPS is a non-profit weight loss support group. Weekly meetings provide peer support and include a weigh-in and educational programs centered around nutrition and exercise as well as contests and fun activities.more info

Address / Contact Info
TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly)
Phone: (604) 485-0025
Web Links Website