Accessibility Features: All Accommodation Is On Ground Level
Alano Club of Campbell River
The Alano Club offers a supportive place for anyone in the community who wishes to socialize in an alcohol/drug free community. Alano Club makes it possible for people in the community to socialize in a safe, non-judgmental place and to support each other in making positive lifestyle choices.more info
Art Therapy
Counselling for those facing a life limiting illness or grieving the loss of a loved one.more info
Campbell River Community Health Services - Island Health
Community Health Services provides personal support services to eligible people served by Island Health. Maximizing client wellness and their ability to care for themselves is our focus. Our services supplement, but do not replace clients' efforts to care for themselves with the assistance of their family, friends and the community. Community Health Serivces also acts as a bridge between home and other care settings. These settings may include hospital, residential care, assisted living, doctors office or other primary care settings.more info
Campbell River Maternity Clinic
Campbell River Maternity Clinic is a group of family doctors with a passion for providing quality maternity care to the City of Campbell River and North Vancouver Island. more info
Campbell River Sobering and Assessment Centre
The Campbell River Sobering and Assessment Centre (CRSAC) provides a safe and supportive environment for substance affected individuals to become sober. The CRSAC also provides links to services for substance-dependent individuals that may have secondary issues including mental and/or physical health challenges. The facility will operate 24 hours a day and offer up to nine sobering beds.
The CRSAC is operated by Vancouver Island Mental Health Society (VIMHS). VIMHS is a registered charitable non-profit organization based in Nanaimo BC. Our goal is to encourage a society that values and supports ALL people, including those experiencing psychiatric, addiction, and cognitive challenges through thoughtful, community-driven leadership.more info
Cari's Infant and Toddler Centre
Quality licensed group care for up to 24 children aged newborn to 36 months, including snacks and lunches, with priority for space given to participants in the Campbell River Young Parents' Program.more info
Dr Janis Guthy Chiropractor
Offering Chiropractic Services since 1982 to all demographics. Treatment modalities include cold level laser, Soft tissue with analgesics, manual and Instrument adjusting and Exercises and Ergonomics for activities of daily living. Treatment of whole body, extremities and spine. Tendonitis, bursitis, disc issues, headaches, strains/sprains. Car accidents, work accidents, veterans, chronic and acute conditions. Sciatica, Wry Neck, Gait problems. Supplier of Custom Foot Orthotics.more info
Dr. Janis Guthy
Dr. Guthy has been in full-time Chiropractic private practice since 1982. She has a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) American Board Certified Senior Disability Analyst (ABDA), Certified Work Capacity Evaluator Advanced (CWCE)with a residency in Industrial Rehab, Diploma of Homeopathy Practitioner (DIHOM), Distinguished Fellow of the British Institute of Homeopathy (FBIH), American Alternative Medical Practitioner (AAMP), Dr. of Philosophy (P.hD), Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.FA). She has a MA Masters of Arts Counselling Psychology and is an(RCC) Registered Clinical Counsellor BC and a (C.C.C.) Canadian Certified Counsellor and member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association and the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. Most recently she attained her Ph.D. is Psychophysiology. Her research being the relationship between early childhood stress and trauma and headaches in the emerging adult. She is a member of the North American Board of Certified Psychotherapists.more info
End of Life Peer Support Group
Forest Circle Child Care
Forest Circle Child Care provides quality licensed group child care for children from infancy to age 5. more info