Community Health and Social Service Programs
Experiencing Signs of Early Pregnancy Loss?
Family Caregivers Society of British Columbia
A non-profit organization who assists family caregivers build skills, reduce stress and enhance quality of life. We believe in the power of social networks and that no one needs to care alone. more info
Family Law Advocacy
Family Learning Program
The Campbell River Literacy Association uses a multi-pronged delivery model including small groups, community based workshops, and one to one tutoring to encourage an adult's engagement with literacy to help support their children's progress. Through mentoring and modelling, facilitators encourage parents to examine their family literacy goals and to access resources and programs designed to encourage re-entry into education settings and improve their employability. The Campbell River Literacy Association services Campbell River and surrounding areas. more info
Family Support Program
Provides support, assistance, and advocacy services to people of Aboriginal ancestry and their families.more info
Family Therapy Program
The Family Therapy Service provides holistic and client centered counselling to children, youth, adults, couples, and families. Service is provided to people of Aboriginal descent and their families in Campbell River and Comox Valley.more info
FASD Key Worker Program
The FASD Key Worker supports families with children between the ages of 0 and 19 who have a diagnosis of FASD, or suspected of having FASD.more info
Finding North Wellness
Finding North offers professional holistic wellness services.more info