Geographic Areas Served: Campbell River
Computer Literacy Program
Basic computer training for people with little to no computer experience. This program provides access to computers and to most commonly used software programs.more info
Dr Janis Guthy Chiropractor
Offering Chiropractic Services since 1982 to all demographics. Treatment modalities include cold level laser, Soft tissue with analgesics, manual and Instrument adjusting and Exercises and Ergonomics for activities of daily living. Treatment of whole body, extremities and spine. Tendonitis, bursitis, disc issues, headaches, strains/sprains. Car accidents, work accidents, veterans, chronic and acute conditions. Sciatica, Wry Neck, Gait problems. Supplier of Custom Foot Orthotics.more info
Dr. Janis Guthy
Dr. Guthy has been in full-time Chiropractic private practice since 1982. She has a Bachelor of Arts (BA), Doctor of Chiropractic (DC) American Board Certified Senior Disability Analyst (ABDA), Certified Work Capacity Evaluator Advanced (CWCE)with a residency in Industrial Rehab, Diploma of Homeopathy Practitioner (DIHOM), Distinguished Fellow of the British Institute of Homeopathy (FBIH), American Alternative Medical Practitioner (AAMP), Dr. of Philosophy (P.hD), Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.FA). She has a MA Masters of Arts Counselling Psychology and is an(RCC) Registered Clinical Counsellor BC and a (C.C.C.) Canadian Certified Counsellor and member of the Canadian Counselling and Psychotherapy Association and the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. Most recently she attained her Ph.D. is Psychophysiology. Her research being the relationship between early childhood stress and trauma and headaches in the emerging adult. She is a member of the North American Board of Certified Psychotherapists.more info
Drop-in Crisis Counselling
Drop-in Peer Crisis counselling by professional staff. Also provides education and information on such topics as: family violence, parenting, health issues, abusive relationships, legal issues, and human rights.more info
End of Life Peer Support Group
ESL Youth Program
Provides English as a second language education specifically for youth.more info
Evergreen Seniors Home
Evergreen Seniors Home is a person centered model tailored to meet each senior’s needs and preferences with the objective of supporting and maximizing their independence and dignity.more info
Experiencing Signs of Early Pregnancy Loss?
Family Caregivers Society of British Columbia
A non-profit organization who assists family caregivers build skills, reduce stress and enhance quality of life. We believe in the power of social networks and that no one needs to care alone. more info